Thursday, January 7, 2010

What shades would suit me in the foundation, concealer and blush I want?




Concealer:;storeId=10052%26amp;productId=35145%26amp;callingViewName=%26amp;categoryId=4986%26amp;langId=-1%26amp;catalogId=11051What shades would suit me in the foundation, concealer and blush I want?
Hey there!

Your skin tone reminds me alot of own! Maybe go for the 2nd lightest ..was it natural? i cant remember..or the lightest. If you are planning to buy online without testing maybe try then buy the lightest..but if you can go to a shop and test them than maybe trial that?

With the blush..maybe go for bramble frost..only because it looks like the lightest colour. I am very pale and if i try red pigmented blush i look strange, and if i try bronzers i look highly unnatural and almost dirty!

I reccomend going with whichever blush is more pink pigmented...that looks the best and most natural on me.

With the concealer..go for Fair. You are very pale..but you still might end up buying a product that is too dark for your skin.

Goodluck..but if you can trial them at a shop or something.What shades would suit me in the foundation, concealer and blush I want?
wow your pretty :]

i would say a carmel foundation[from the link]

a fair conceler[from the link]

and a damson blehh blush ahaa:P

yew dont need make up tho

There is no way I can answer this question. Go into a store and try the testers. The picture you provided has bad lighting and foundations always look different on your skin than the do in the bottle.

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